Wednesday, November 22, 2023 - 10:00 am Chilean time
Speaker: Benoît Rottembourg, Project Manager of the Regalia pilot project at Inria
Master Class in English, with simultaneous translation into Spanish

Are you sure that your prices are the best possible, that nothing has been left on the table, and that your customers are satisfied, and that you have the right data streams in real time?
In this master class you will learn to:
Audit a pricing strategy based on pricing decisions, customer contact points, transaction flows and inventory trends. Understand competitors' pricing strategies.
Changing pricing dynamics: What are the benefits and risks of dynamic pricing? What human/machine coupling should you target?
Developing algorithmic components for price recommendation: defining the constraints, granularity and risk level of a pricing tool. Which technologies to choose?
Benoît Rottembourg
Benoît Rottembourg has been in charge of the Regalia pilot project at Inria since 2020. Regalia aims to provide a software environment to audit digital platform algorithms for use by French and European regulatory authorities.
A PhD in applied mathematics from Sorbonne University and a computer engineer from ENSIIE, he started his career as a teacher-researcher at ENSTA. He joined the private sector in 1998, successively leading the data science teams of the Bouygues group, Eurodécision and the Maersk group in Denmark. There, he developed pricing and revenue management software for the transport, distribution, media and leisure sectors.