Trophée Startup 2023: Meet the two winners of this year

Date :
Changed on 24/10/2023
Chucaw and Reite were the winning initiatives of the contest that seeks Chilean scientific-technological startups with innovative ideas and potential for growth and internationalization. Both companies will have the opportunity to open their way into the French market and the rest of Europe
Inria Chile / J. Rojas
© Inria Chile / J. Rojas


On October 17, the winners of Trophée Startup 2023 were announced, this competition aims to detect Chilean initiatives with potential for commercialization and growth in Chile as well as in France and the rest of Europe. 

The competition has been organized for four years by the French Embassy in Chile, Business France Amérique Latine, the French Institute of Chile and Inria Chile and the final was held at the offices of Start-Up Chile. Representatives of these institutions, together with representatives of ACTI Chile, Bpifrance, CCEF, CHILETEC and the Trophée Startup sponsors Engie Chile and Total EREN, were part of the jury, which listened to the pitches of the seven finalist initiatives (Beeing Company, Chucaw, DomoLif, GCare, Guayacán Solutions, Hacknoid and Reite), about their projects and expansion potential. Finally, Chucaw and Reite were chosen as winners of a comprehensive package to expand in France, the most attractive country in Europe for international investments from 2020, according to the EY Barometer.


Both companies have great potential for innovation and internationalization in France. Reite has a very clear business model and is very well established in Chile, as it uses scientific and technological solutions to differentiate its business model in the market. They have great potential and have detected companies with which they can connect, and with the support of the Trophée it will be very useful for them to link and establish themselves in Europe. In the case of Chucaw, it is a startup that is just starting out, but its great social and environmental impact has been seen, so there is a huge potential to connect with French institutions and research organizations, to be able to scale their solution beyond what they already have in their scientific and technological base.


Nayat Sánchez Pi


CEO of Inria Chile

What is the objective of Trophée?

It was created to position Chile and France as attractive, innovative and dynamic markets and ecosystems, as well as to strengthen economic and scientific cooperation between the two countries. It also seeks to promote Chilean startups with high international growth potential, with the opportunity to discover and implement themselves in the French market and its innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem.


This initiative is key, and we as a public accelerator understand very well the value that exists in the link between countries. Just like Start-Up Chile, which presents Chile as a gateway to Latin America, in this case it presents France as a gateway to the rest of Europe.


Javiera Araneda


Deputy Manager of Start-Up Chile


It is important to have synergy to promote this type of project, which allows bringing together the science and technology ecosystems and support for Chilean startups. We hope it will be a useful opportunity for the winners and for French-Chilean collaboration.


Patrick Flot


Counselor for Cooperation and Cultural Action of the French Embassy in Chile and Director of the French Institute in Chile

Benefits for the winners

Chucaw and Reite will receive a comprehensive training and internationalization package in Chile and France, to create the conditions for a potential implementation in the European country. This will be done with support and funding in deeptech training with Inria Academy, generating contact networks between both countries with research centers, public agencies, among others. In addition, they will participate in an acceleration program in a world-renowned French accelerator and will take part in Vivatech, the most important technology event in the world. They will also benefit from the support of the French Foreign Trade Advisors in Chile, who are CEOs of large French companies, and will support them with mentoring and networking.  

It should be noted that round-trip airfare is included in the package along with accommodation and visibility management in France for the winning initiatives.

Representatives of Chucaw and Reite, winners of Trophée Startup 2023
Inria Chile / J. Rojas - Representatives of Chucaw and Reite, winners of Trophée Startup 2023


Innovation-focused startups

Reite is a company whose mission is to revolutionize the way people purchase everyday products, making their experience faster and more convenient. It does this by solving the problems of lines and waiting times, implementing cameras with artificial intelligence in coolers and cabinets, and transforms them into autonomous stores that offer an automated service, frictionless, without queues and without waiting times 24/7. The goal of this initiative is to become a benchmark in automation and user experience, leading the way to the future of retail.


Over the next three years we intend to land in Europe, for which France is a unique opportunity for us, because today, our largest customers operate there, and that with this stage of acceleration, we will be able to boost and further increase our entry into Europe.


Sebastián Muñoz


CEO and one of the four founders of Reite

Chucaw is a company that seeks to bring the best available science and technology for adaptation and resilience to climate change to vulnerable communities, generating synergy with other territorial actors through platforms that use artificial intelligence, satellite technologies and geospatial sciences to locally identify vulnerabilities, predict risks, level knowledge and suggest solutions based on nature to increase the adaptive capacity and resilience of communities. Its objective is to reduce losses to insured parties in the forestry and livestock sector caused by extreme weather disasters, such as forest fires or floods.


It is an important opportunity for internationalization given that France and Europe are more aware of the issue of climate change and disaster management. On the other hand, in Chile, we are used to these phenomena, so we have several community plans and we have less loss of life. We can complement this with Artificial Intelligence and work together so that Latin America and France advance in adapting to climate crises.


Isidora Riquelme


CEO of Chucaw


I invite the winners to make the most of this opportunity, to build collaboration and business networks in France and Europe, to immerse themselves in the experience of what is being done there, and then to bring and share this knowledge in Chile.


Nayat Sánchez Pi


CEO of Inria Chile

Nayat Sánchez Pi, CEO Inria Chile and Jury of Trophée Startup 2023
Inria Chile / J. Rojas - Nayat Sánchez Pi, CEO Inria Chile and Jury of Trophée Startup 2023


The sponsors of Trophée Startup are Air France, BNP Paribas, ENGIE Chile, TotalEren. Trophée Startup benefits from the collaboration of ANID Centers, Corfo,  French Foreign Trade Advisors, ProChile, Start-Up Chile by Corfo, and, since this edition, BancoEstado.