Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 11:00 am Chilean time
Speaker: Frédéric Alexandre, Research Director and team leader of the MNEMOSYNE project-team at Inria
Master Class in French, with simultaneous translation into Spanish

What will I discover in this master class?
Understand the place of modeling among scientific approaches
Define the basic principles and concepts: the different types of models and how they are developed
Identify the biases and risks involved to avoid pitfalls and errors
Present the technological and scientific challenges
Discuss tomorrow's challenges modeling the complexity of living systems, frugal approaches
Frédéric Alexandre
Frédéric Alexandre is research director at Inria, team leader of the MNEMOSYNE project-team and researcher in computational neuroscience and artificial intelligence. The team is shared with the UMR Labri of the CNRS and is based at the Bordeaux Neurocampus.
The goals of the MNEMOSYNE project-team are (1) to model the association of our different forms of memory (e.g., combining know-how and know-what, or learning rules of thumb and concrete cases), (2) to understand how they interact in our main cognitive functions (decision-making, reasoning, imagination), and (3) to study associated pathologies (linked to the basal ganglia, prefrontal cortex, and hippocampus).