The Inria International Chairs program call for applications is now open!

Date :
Changed on 25/07/2024
Attracting the best scientists remains a basic tenet of the Institute's policy. The Inria International Chairs program is open and seeks to attract the best international scientists to Inria.
 Inria International Chairs 2024
© © Inria / Photo C. Morel


The Institute recruits experienced researchers for long periods – either for ten to twelve months which can be spread over a period of five years or for six to nine months which can be spread over a period of three years.

Come and set up or reinforce an existing collaboration with the Inria teams in your field!


Timetable 2025:

  • July  2024: Call launch

  • 15 July 2024 - 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.: Program information webinar for Inria project-teams

  • 16 September 2024 - 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.: Program information webinar for Inria project-teams

  • 02 October 2024: Deadline for submitting the application to the Director of the Inria Research Centre

  • 17 October 2024: Deadline for transmissing of complete applications to the Direction of International Relations by Directors of the Inria Research Centre

  • December 2024/January 2025: Applications review by the Chair Committee

  • February 2025: Notification of the awarded Inria International Chairs 2025


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