CLEI 2024: Half a Century of Promoting Computer and Information Science

Date :
Changed on 29/08/2024
The event, which celebrates its 50th version, was organized in Bahía Blanca, Argentina, and brought together the main exponents of Computer Science and Informatics in the region, with the participation of Inria Chile as an exhibitor.
CLEI 2024: Medio siglo de promoción de las Ciencias de Computación e Informática


The 50th Latin American Conference on Informatics (CLEI) took place between August 12 to 16 at the Universidad Nacional del Sur in Bahía Blanca, Argentina. The event, sponsored by Inria Chile, has been held since 1974 in different countries of the region and brings together researchers, professionals, teachers and students involved in the world of Computing and Informatics, in order to share experiences and present new advances and studies through lectures, workshops, panels and various other activities.

Nayat Sánchez-Pi, Director of Inria Chile, was present at the conference activities, taking part in the Round Table “Computer Science in Latin America: Challenges and Opportunities for Regional Development”. The panel included Benjamín Barán, President of Conacyt Paraguay; Daniel Salamone, President of Conicet Argentina; Mauricio García, from the Inter-American Development Bank; Elsa Estévez, Head of the UNESCO Chair of Knowledge Societies and Digital Governance and Daniel Vega, Rector of the Universidad Nacional del Sur, who moderated the panel. The panelists discussed science policy in Latin America, regional and international cooperation in computer science and artificial intelligence, and access to knowledge and scientific evaluation processes.


For Inria Chile it is an honor to contribute to CLEI 2024, a forum that celebrates half a century of exchange of ideas and advances in the field of computer science. This event is not only a space to share knowledge, but also a catalyst to boost regional and international scientific collaboration. I am convinced that this synergy is fundamental to face the most urgent global challenges through digital sciences and artificial intelligence and build a more prosperous future for our societies.


Nayat Sánchez-Pi


Director of Inria Chile

On its 50th anniversary, CLEI brought together important speakers, which included the President of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), Yannis Ioannidis, the Research Director of the Institute for Experiential AI at Northeastern University, Ricardo Baeza Yates, Professor Emeritus of Stanford University Donald E. Knuth and the academic of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chile Sergio F. Ochoa, among others.Participants also had access to panels, where topics such as: "The New Wave of Artificial Intelligence" and "The Challenges and Opportunities for Women in Computing in Latin America" were presented.

Inria and CLEI: Renewing partnerships for scientific and informatics cooperation

Inria Chile will once again become a member of the Latin American Informatics Council (CLEI) starting this year. This membership renewal will mark an important milestone for the institution in its commitment to the advancement of computer science and artificial intelligence in the region and in Chile. In addition, CLEI has confirmed that its annual congress will be held in 2025 in the city of Valparaiso, to deepen the contribution of computer science in the country and bring together the Latin American computer science community.