Ten years ago, Inria opened its first and only center outside of France. However, its origins date back much earlier and are rooted in the long-standing scientific collaboration between France and Chile.
In 2012, within the framework of the International Centers of Excellence Attraction Program, with the support of Chilean universities and the enthusiasm of a broad group of academics, Inria Chile was born. Initially supported by Corfo, it now receives the backing of the National Agency for Research and Development (ANID) and the partner universities of the project, implementing innovative solutions in various key sectors of science, society, and the economy through research and innovation in all areas of digital sciences.
In an effort to document the milestones and achievements of the Institute, this book specifically gathers many of them. It tells the story of its arrival in the country and highlights the advancements made in each of its research areas: artificial intelligence; interaction, visualization, and multimedia; open-source software; Internet of things; and modeling, simulation, and optimization.
Furthermore, it showcases the role of Inria Chile in areas such as talent development, fostering scientific and technological startups through initiatives like the Trophée Startup competition or the creation of spin-offs, strengthening the R&D&i ecosystem, and bringing digital sciences closer to the general public, particularly to children and adolescents. It also highlights the social impact and profitability that Inria Chile has achieved during this decade of work in our country.
It has been a pleasure to compile this book that summarizes the effort and dedication of researchers and institutions that have been involved in over 190 research and development projects. It highlights some of the more than 650 scientists from Chile and France who can attest to this. We want this book to not only serve as a memory but also as a compass for the construction of a Chilean digital society, based on trust and innovation in the service of people, for the next 10 years.
CEO of Inria Chile
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